
【英語】have toとmustの違い【→否定文の違いがキーポイント!】

8月 27, 2019

difference between have to and must in English
この記事は、「have to」と「must」の違いについて説明します。


  • 「have to」と「must」の否定形での意味の違いが分かる
  • 「have to」と「must」の意味の違いを例文で確認することができる

英語の「have to」と「must」の違い概要

summary of difference between have to and must

この記事では、「have to」と「must」の違いについて、英語とそれに対応する日本語で説明します。

結論から言うと、「Have to」の意味は「must」と同じ意味です。私達は"I must go to school"又は"I have to go to school"ということができます。しかし、"must"を過去についての会話で使うことができません。そのかわり、私達は、"had to"を使い、"Yesterday, I had to go to school"と言います。


What can we say instead of "I must study"? Instead of "I must study", we can say "I have to study".

"I must study"の代わりに私達は何と言うことができますか?"I must study"の代わりに"I have to study"と言うことができます。

一方、「have to」と「must」の否定は別の意味があります。"I don't have to do it"は、「あなたがしたければできるが、必要不可欠ではない」ということを意味します。"I mustn't do it"はそれをするが悪い或いは間違っているという意味です。

英語の「have to」と「must」の違い例文

example sentences of difference between have to and must


Do you have to eat if you want to live? Yes, I have to eat if I want to live.



Did you have to get up early yesterday morning? No, I didn't have to get up early yesterday morning.



Will you have to wait if you arrive too early for the next lesson? Yes, I'll have to wait if I arrive too early for the next lesson.


英語の「have to」と「must」の違い例文(否定文)

example sentences of difference between have to and must negative


Which is right to say: "You mustn't smoke in this building" or "You don't have to smoke in this building"? It's right to say "You mustn't smoke in this building".

"You mustn't smoke in this building"と"You don't have to smoke in this building"どちらが言い方として正しいですか?"You mustn't smoke in this building"が正しいです。


Which is it right to say: "I mustn't get up early on Saturday" or "I don't have to get up early on Saturday"? It's right to say "I don't have to get up early on Saturday".

"I mustn't get up early on Saturday"と"I don't have to get up early on Saturday"どちらが言い方として正しいですか?"I don't have to get up early on Saturday"が正しいです。


Must you study if you want to learn English? Yes, I must study if I want to learn English.



Must you study ten hours a day if you want to learn English? No, I don't have to study ten hours a day if I want to learn English.

